Every child has the right to a free and appropriate education. When that right is violated, Bourgette Law, P.L.L.C., takes action. We are well known for our education law practice in Seattle and Redmond, Washington. Our attorneys have handled matters ranging from helping individual children get the education and accommodations they need to working with parents to prevent an entire school from being shut down. With more than a decade of experience on our side, we can help.
We take a holistic approach to education law cases. That means taking the time to understand you and your child in order to reach the right resolution the right way. While we are able to pursue litigation, we frequently find that other means are faster, less expensive and generally more positive for everyone involved. Ultimately, our goal is to empower you and provide you with the knowledge and tools to become an experienced advocate on behalf of your child. You will learn how to partner with the school to ensure your child's needs are met for the duration of their educational years.
How Has Your Child's Right to an Education Been Violated?
Accommodations must be made for students with special needs or disabilities. These accommodations can range from the creation and implementation of individualized education plans (IEP) to modifications of physical spaces. We assist with obtaining disability and special needs accommodations in schools.
Student disciplinary matters should be appropriate based on the infraction that a student allegedly committed. Unfortunately, schools and school districts often go too far. We can take action to prevent inappropriate sanctions from damaging your child's education.
School Athletics Eligibility Matters
We handle eligibility matters for school athletics and other programs when transferring schools. Has your child been deemed ineligible for the football team, basketball team, baseball team, cheerleading squad or any other athletic program? Frequently, it needs to be determined that there was a hardship that led to the change of schools. We can resolve these issues.
Is your child attending grade school? Middle school? High school? College? We handle issues that arise at all educational levels.
Special Education Law
Much of the work we do in the area of education law falls into the category of special education law. We take pride in helping students with autism, diabetes, Down syndrome, attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other conditions get the education they are entitled to.
Bellevue Student Rights Lawyers
For more information, please call 206-623-1225 or send an e-mail to schedule a consultation with an experienced Seattle education lawyer.
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